Friday, January 2, 2009

This and That

This photo is my dear Nana holding her 15th yes count em' 15th GREAT grandchild. I must give this jewel a shout out because she is 85..she checks my blog on her own high speed internet computer and she managed to live through raising my father....what a feat! We love you Nana, and from the looks of've done this before!

lets give it up for a random post.....cameron and I gave mom and dad a painting for Christmas of the two of us when we were 5 and 2. The picture happens to be a fav of the rents, so why not recreate to a lifesize version so mom can stare at it above her prized piano as she tickles the ivorys for a mere 5 hours per day (give or take a few). It was a hit, and here we are in the above photo trying to recreate the how we've changed

1 comment:

The Marlin's said...

Meredith she is beautiful! I just wanted to say hey and that you have such a beautiful family!