Sunday, December 28, 2008

A Merry Merry Christmas to all!

Well..I must say this had to be the best Christmas ever! The saying is true....the best gifts come in small packages..Mary Cameron is SO much fun...she has started smiling now..Will and I are truly blessed by her everyday! I also included some pictures of Will's big surprise...A big certainly not anything with horns that could possibly be MOUNTED...the kind that will keep my hard in tact! Bless him...for those of you who might not know...WIll had a little lawn business to help with his school tuition...SO, needless to say...he has push mowed enough yards to last a lifetime! He was so excited..Mary Cameron and I wrapped up the key...and he began the freak out process...find pictures does resemble a small child on a power wheels...the gift that keeps on giving...vroom vroom! An additional shout out to Lollie and Pop for a wonderful Christmas in Candyland (their house)..You guys are the best...hey let's do this again


The Quinns said...

Am I stupid or has pregnancy brain struck again or what but where are the attached pictures you mentioned? And surely you are going to post some pictures of Mary Cameron on Christmas!!

Kelli said...

where are the pics??!

Hillary Jordan said...

Yay! I jsut found your blog, Meredith. All I can say is that Mary Cameron is such a beauty! Happy New Year...