Thursday, December 18, 2008

Happy Anniversary to Us....Uh...Yesterday!

Yesterday, my darling hubby and I celebrated our 3 year anniversary..doesn't that qualify as gold or silver or something? Perhaps not, but I must say that William Howard is the most wonderful husband a gal could ask for..afterall..he is my baby's daddy! Much love to you DARLING DEAR..and here's to many many more!

An interesting note is that we found ourselves celebrating a bit differently than before. Perched in a corner booth at the local Chilies establishment and going home to snuggle up and watch a DVD we rented was a far cry from the first two anniversarys spent skiing atop beautiful snow covered mountains in Colorado! My how things change, but hey..."All you need is LOVE"...Right?


Laura @ our messy messy life. said...

Yesterday was my 3rd anniversary too! Your baby is too cute!!! Laura

Lee Herrin said...

so glad that you started blogging (I have one but haven't updated in forever...). MC is beautiful.... and you look great..are you sure you just had a baby???!!!

Hope you guys have a Merry one!

The Quinns said...

How did I miss that you had a blog too?? Congrats on your beautiful baby girl! We are not-so-patiently waiting on Baby Quinn these days too! I am going add you to my blog list so I can keep up- congrats again and Merry Christmas!!